So the night just turned it's last page and the "hafter-party" just took a wrong turn with Hacke dropping the bathtub. Just minutes before we managed too get some creative work don on some old sheets. The job was don' in a 1by3 turn to get that blackout effect Hacke has been talking about all night. "ya, you know.. i just want too make people feel.. i want them to get that blackout!"
So as time went and we started to get tierd it was time to make some lyrics to the artwork. For all of you (yes everyone!) how can't read what it says on the pic here it is in englesio!
"Met an old man yesterday He came walking along the country road Like an angel he appeard infront of me (and i gave my self to him... somthing somthing smygehuk...) He said he had walked all the way from Smy(g)ehuk Give yourself to me F.B.I."
ok. so it's all about how you translate the shit he has been wrighting... we just happen to think ours is the right one!
And at the moment Hacke just can't get enough.. right now he is spelling out TIAS all over the pic's.
So whats the lesson from all this?
Don't let the angry man try too be creative four in the morning, and don't let the other dude's wright it on the blog! ...

Detta är konst mina vänner!