For all you numnuts who do not read all the comments we post on this site. On satday the 20th of feb we are heading up to valauxen for som park shred. No skipases will be purchased, hiking to the park. Pick up time Malmö: Värnhem 800 Lund: Clemens squre 830. Afterski will be held at debaser. Sign up in the comment field below.
Had an epic skate session at the freezer tonight! Unfortunately, no pictures from the skate to show. Just a picture showing what life as a team rider for POPskateboards can look like at the moment ... unfortunately we have no shoes to offer him ... YET! Skate or die right?
Not much happening in POPland past weeks .. But then all of a sudden, PAAW, it arrives an email from our team rider Tobbe who has been chasing waves in Philippines and Morocco the last month. Took at quick look through them and it looks awesome! More surf pics from Tobbes trip coming up this weekend!