Sunday, September 27, 2009

Grindin the flag

Mick this one is for you! keep paddling that boat you call a surfboard, west coast is going to be pumping tomorrow.

Thursday, September 24, 2009

Mr Piggelin

One of the last days of summer were spent at lomma skatepark. Got some nice photos of Simon, check out his profile next week, Simon is the one who always tries to order piggelin at the bar but fails and throws up when they serves him melonlikör instead.
Fall = wind, hoping to get some waves next week, planing to go up to Varberg and kick Mick the greeks butt. yeah doggie!!

Wednesday, September 23, 2009


We been busy the last weeks so no updates. But here comes one
We are now working side by side with the professors at Ekonomi högskolan i Lund, not wearing flies but studing hard. Had my birthday last weekend, did not feel all that good sundaymorning.
Been skating heaps and yeasterday me and Nick drove down to the southcoast looking for waves and found them, clean waves rolling in all afternoon. Did not feel like sweden when youre paddling out to the lineup and see a crowd of +20 people. Right now we are waiting to get our 100% organic merchandise home, will be in the shop soon. One more teamrider is on the way.


Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Night sesh!

Took the new POPhats for a skatesession in Lomma.
The POPhats are ready for order 1st of October.

Monday, September 14, 2009

Skateboard - faster than driving!

Want to do someting good for the environment!?
Do as our teamrider Kris:
Leave the car home! Start pushin´ instead!

OR you can buy POPgear!

POPskateboards soon with 100% organic!

Kristoffer Hammarberg - Skate förbi bil from POPskateboards on Vimeo.

Tuesday, September 8, 2009

New Teamrider!

Koji Teranishi is born in Japan but calls himself a citizen of the world. Been travelling around the world a few times chasing waves and skating. At the moment on hawaii surfing and getting ready for banzai. Check out his profile
Welcome to the team koji!

Monday, September 7, 2009


Kats finished on 8th place, gongrats! Had some problems with the live streaming but hope most of you could watch it. First storm this years, went to kåseberga for some waves. Hard wind, rain and no one in the water, sounds perfect but the wind turned W so it didnt go off. Getting our t-shirts today 100% Organic.